Prohibition Meaning in Hindi

In Hindi, the term “प्रोहिबिशन” translates to “prohibition” in English. Prohibition refers to the act of officially forbidding something, usually by law or authority. It involves the banning or restriction of certain actions, substances, or behaviors to maintain order, safety, or societal well-being.

Write Description for Prohibition Meaning in Hindi

Prohibition holds a significant place in legal and social contexts. It represents a deliberate effort by authorities to control or eliminate practices that are deemed harmful or disruptive to a community. This can encompass a wide range of subjects, from banning the sale of certain substances to restricting specific activities, all with the aim of promoting public welfare.

Prohibition Meaning in Various Way

The concept of prohibition is not limited to a specific culture or time period. Around the world, societies have employed prohibition to address various issues such as substance abuse, public health concerns, and moral dilemmas. Whether it’s the restriction of alcohol during the Prohibition era in the United States or the banning of certain substances in contemporary times, the core idea remains the same: to curtail actions that are perceived as detrimental to society.

Prohibition Meaning in Hindi Various Way

In Hindi, “प्रोहिबिशन” encapsulates the notion of prohibition. This term signifies a collective decision to enforce a ban on specific activities or items for the betterment of society. It embodies the idea of regulating behaviors to ensure the safety, health, and ethical standards within a community.

Prohibition Meaning in Hindi With Sentence Sample

The term “प्रोहिबिशन” in Hindi exemplifies the establishment of rules to prevent certain behaviors. For instance, one might say, “शराब के प्रोहिबिशन के बाद, यहाँ की सामाजिक स्थिति में सुधार आया।” This sentence illustrates the impact of prohibiting alcohol on the societal landscape.

Prohibition Antonyms Hindi and English With Table Format

Hindi English
प्रतिबंध Prohibition
स्वतंत्रता Freedom
अनुमति Permission
अधिकार Right

Prohibition Synonyms Hindi and English With Table Format

Hindi English
प्रतिबंध Prohibition
निषेध Restriction
रोक Ban
प्रतिषेध Proscription

 Prohibition Q&A in Hindi and English

1. प्रोहिबिशन क्या होता है?

 प्रोहिबिशन एक कानूनी उपाय होता है जिसका उद्देश्य कुछ निर्दिष्ट क्रियाओं को या वस्तुओं को मना करना होता है।

2. प्रोहिबिशन की मुख्यता क्या होती है?

 प्रोहिबिशन का मुख्य उद्देश्य समाज की बेहतरीन हितों की रक्षा करना होता है, जिसमें कुछ क्रियाएँ या वस्तुएँ शामिल हो सकती हैं।

3. प्रोहिबिशन किस प्रकार की वस्तुओं पर लागू होता है?

 प्रोहिबिशन विभिन्न वस्तुओं, जैसे कि अल्कोहल, तंबाकू, और ड्रग्स, पर लागू हो सकता है जो समाज में हानिकारक माने जाते हैं।

4. क्या प्रोहिबिशन समाज में सुधार लाता है?

 हां, प्रोहिबिशन समाज में सुधार लाने में मदद कर सकता है, जैसे कि नशीली सदियों के दौरान अल्कोहल पर लगाए गए प्रतिबंध का यही उदाहरण है।

5. प्रोहिबिशन के क्या प्रकार होते हैं?

 प्रोहिबिशन दो प्रकार का हो सकता है: संपूर्ण प्रोहिबिशन और आंशिक प्रोहिबिशन। संपूर्ण प्रोहिबिशन में कुछ क्रियाएँ पूरी तरह से मना की जाती है, जबकि आंशिक प्रोहिबिशन में कुछ सीमित रूप में मना की जाती है।

6. What is Prohibition?

 Prohibition refers to the deliberate act of forbidding or limiting certain activities, usually through legal measures, with the goal of promoting public welfare and maintaining order within a society.

7. What Are the Main Objectives of Prohibition?

The primary objectives of prohibition include ensuring public safety, reducing harm to individuals or communities, and addressing ethical or moral concerns related to specific activities or substances.

8. How Does Prohibition Impact Society?

Prohibition can have a profound impact on society, influencing behaviors, cultural norms, and legal frameworks. It often prompts discussions about individual freedoms and the balance between regulation and personal choice.

9. What Are Some Historical Examples of Prohibition?

 One of the most well-known examples of prohibition is the period in the United States known as the Prohibition era (1920-1933), during which the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages were banned to address social and health issues.

10. What Challenges Can Arise From Implementing Prohibition?

 Implementing prohibition can lead to a range of challenges, including underground markets, increased criminal activity, and debates over individual rights. Balancing the intended benefits with unintended consequences is crucial.


“प्रोहिबिशन” or prohibition in Hindi is a concept that holds social, legal, and ethical implications. It signifies a conscious effort to regulate and control actions or substances for the betterment of society. Prohibition’s impact, historical significance, and relevance in contemporary times highlight its complex role in shaping communities and their well-being.

By restricting certain actions or substances, prohibition aims to create safer and healthier communities. Its historical significance, varying applications, and potential challenges emphasize the need for thoughtful implementation and ongoing assessment. As societies evolve, so does the role of prohibition, making it an intriguing and dynamic aspect of our social fabric. Through its complex interplay with culture, law, and societal norms, prohibition continues to shape the course of communities and individuals alike.

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