Rokafied Meaning in Hindi

When it comes to understanding the meaning of the term “रोकाफाइड” (Rokafied) in Hindi, it’s essential to delve into its various nuances and interpretations. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the different facets of “रोकाफाइड,” examining its significance, usage in sentences, antonyms, synonyms, and even addressing common questions related to this term. By the end of this article, you’ll have a thorough grasp of the term “रोकाफाइड” and its implications in Hindi.

Write Description for Rokafied Meaning in Hindi

To begin our exploration, let’s first establish a clear description of what “रोकाफाइड” means in Hindi. The term “रोकाफाइड” is a colloquial expression that is often used to describe the act of preventing or inhibiting something. It conveys the idea of hindrance, obstruction, or restraint. This term finds its roots in the Hindi language and is commonly employed in everyday conversations to portray the concept of putting a stop to or impeding a particular action or process.

Rokafied Meaning in Various Ways

The term “रोकाफाइड” can be interpreted in several ways, each carrying a distinct connotation that contributes to its rich usage in the Hindi language. Here are a few ways in which “रोकाफाइड” can be understood:

  • Prevention and Hindrance: “रोकाफाइड” can be seen as an act of prevention or hindrance, where an individual or entity takes measures to obstruct the progress of a particular task or event.
  • Obstruction of Flow: This term can also signify the obstruction of a natural flow or progression, implying the introduction of barriers that impede the smooth development of a situation.
  • Inhibition of Action: “रोकाफाइड” may refer to inhibiting or curtailing a specific action or behavior, often with the intention of maintaining control or order.

Rokafied Meaning in Hindi Various Ways

In the Hindi language, “रोकाफाइड” is a versatile term that can be articulated in various ways, each encapsulating its essence in a unique manner. Some of the ways to express “रोकाफाइड” in Hindi include:

  • रोकना (Rokna)
  • अवरोध करना (Avarodh Karna)
  • बाधा डालना (Badha Dalna)
  • निरोध करना (Nirodh Karna)

Rokafied Meaning in Hindi With Sentence Sample

To provide a clearer understanding of how “रोकाफाइड” is used in context, let’s consider a sentence sample:

“उसने अपनी खुशियों को रोकाफाइड करने के लिए संघर्ष किया।”

In this sentence, the term “रोकाफाइड” conveys the idea that the individual struggled to restrain or hold back their happiness.

Rokafied Antonyms Hindi and English With Table Format

Hindi English
अनुमति देना Permit
आग्रह करना Encourage
स्वीकृति देना Allow
बढ़ावा देना Facilitate
अनुमति स्वीकार करना Accept Permission

Rokafied Synonyms Hindi and English With Table Format

Hindi English
निरोध Restraint
बाधा Obstruction
अवरोध Hindrance
रुकावट Halt
निषेध Prohibition

Rokafied Q&A in Hindi and English

1. “रोकाफाइड” का विपरीतार्थक क्या है?

 अनुमति देना विपरीतार्थक है जो कि “रोकाफाइड” का एक विपरीतार्थक शब्द है।

2.What is the English Translation of “रोकाफाइड”?

The English translation of “रोकाफाइड” is “Restriction.”

3. कैसे “रोकाफाइड” का सही उपयोग करें?

 “रोकाफाइड” का सही उपयोग करते समय संवादात्मक और स्वाभाविक भाषा का पालन करें।

4.How Can “रोकाफाइड” Be Used in a Sentence?

You can use “रोकाफाइड” in a sentence like, “उसने अपने प्लान को रोकाफाइड कर दिया था, क्योंकि वह और अधिक समय चाहता था।”

5. रोकाफाइड का सिनोनिम क्या है?

 रोकाफाइड का सिनोनिम है “निरोध”।

6.What is the Synonym of “रोकाफाइड”?

 The synonym of “रोकाफाइड” is “Restraint.”

7. क्या “रोकाफाइड” एंटोनिम और सिनोनिम में कोई अंतर है?

 हां, रोकाफाइड के एंटोनिम और सिनोनिम में विशेष अंतर होता है। एंटोनिम अनुमति देना है, जबकि सिनोनिम निरोध है।

8.Is There a Difference Between the Antonym and Synonym of”रोकाफाइड”?

 Yes, there is a distinct difference between the antonym and synonym of “रोकाफाइड.” The antonym is “अनुमति देना” while the synonym is “निरोध.”

10. क्या “रोकाफाइड” एक सकारात्मक शब्द है?

नहीं, “रोकाफाइड” एक नकारात्मक शब्द है जो किसी क्रिया को रोकने की प्रक्रिया को दर्शाता है।

11. Is “रोकाफाइड”A Positive Word?

No, “रोकाफाइड” is a negative word that depicts the process of stopping or inhibiting an action.


In conclusion, the term “रोकाफाइड” holds a significant place in the Hindi language, portraying the idea of hindrance, prevention, and restraint. Whether used to describe the act of inhibiting progress or obstructing the natural flow of events, “रोकाफाइड” encapsulates a range of meanings that enrich the language. By exploring its various interpretations, synonyms, antonyms, and usage in sentences, we’ve unraveled the multifaceted nature of this term. So, the next time you encounter “रोकाफाइड” in a conversation, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of its implications in Hindi.

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