Many small business owners still believe that automation is just for big corporations. Research has shown that while small businesses are less likely to invest in automation than large ones, they have more success when they do.

Automation is not just one thing. There are many different types of automation systems. The basic goal of automation is to make your company more efficient. It allows you to scale without having to hire more people. It lets you make more data-driven decisions and more effectively track your return on investment which is more important for small businesses than it is for large corporations.

What are the areas you can derive the most benefit from automation?

Lead and Contact Management

CRM for small businesses helps you eliminate manually dealing with leads and contacts. Designed to track and encourage potential leads through the sales pipeline, it can organize contact information. It can help identify where your leads are in the sales process and help in identifying the right time to follow up with them.  

CRM will let your business identify and segment your leads according to various criteria, such as interest level, demographic data and past interactions. This allows you to make more targeted marketing efforts.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is an important aspect of every digital marketing strategy. Email marketing is still one of the most effective marketing strategies. Businesses average a return of $35 for every $1 invested in email marketing. Email offers direct communication to your potential customers and helps you build brand awareness.

Sending professional, personalized emails to all of your contacts on a regular basis is beyond the scope of most small businesses without automation. Email marketing automation software makes it easier.

Customer Support

For many small businesses customer service and support is the make-break point for their business. By ensuring that all customer interactions are recorded and accessible, automation helps your customer service team provide personalized and timely responses.

Customer service requests come in at all hours of the day and on many different channels. Sorting through email, Facebook messages, phone messages and chats is time-consuming and inefficient. Getting each instance of support properly ticketed and routed, makes it easier to ensure that all customer service issues get handled routinely and properly.  If your customer service is poor and not tracked and handled expeditiously it can lead to consumer complaints which ruin your reputation and can cost you thousands or more in lost revenue.


Gone are the days of manual ledgers and bookkeepers pencilling in their ledger entries. Attempting to manage the accounts of a business while also running day-to-day operations is overwhelming.  Even if your organization is small and you are using a bookkeeper, they are using some type of automated accounting system to make their job easier.

Automation of your accounting systems can save you endless time and money. Accounting software processes the information it receives automatically and relates it to all existing records in the system.  

Automated accounting allows you to eliminate manual data entry entirely.

These are just a few of the systems and benefits you can realize when you start automating your small business.

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