Adversely Meaning in Hindi

In the realm of language and communication, the term “अड्वरसेली” might intrigue those unfamiliar with its meaning. This article dives into the depths of its significance, exploring its various applications, synonyms, antonyms, and more. So, if you’re ready to unravel the layers of “अड्वरसेली,” let’s embark on this linguistic journey together.

Write Description for Adversely Meaning in Hindi

The term “अड्वरसेली” finds its roots in the Hindi language, and it conveys the notion of negativity or unfavorable circumstances. It implies a situation or condition that is detrimental, inhibiting, or causing harm. Whether it pertains to an individual’s well-being, the economy, or any other context, “अड्वरसेली” reflects a downside that can impact various aspects of life.

Adversely Meaning in Various Ways

The concept of “अड्वरसेली” can manifest in numerous ways across different scenarios. From personal experiences to broader societal contexts, adverse situations can arise unexpectedly. These situations may include health challenges, economic setbacks, environmental issues, and more. Recognizing and understanding adverse circumstances is essential for proactive decision-making and problem-solving.

Adversely Meaning in Hindi: Various Ways

When we consider “अड्वरसेली” in the context of the Hindi language, its implications expand. In Hindi, this term encapsulates the idea of “हानिकारकता” or harm. It signifies the presence of hurdles or obstacles that hinder progress and well-being. Whether it’s applied to health, relationships, or any other domain, “अड्वरसेली” underscores the significance of addressing challenges.

Adversely Meaning in Hindi With Sentence Samples

To grasp the essence of “अड्वरसेली,” let’s explore a few sentence samples:

  • बदलते मौसम के कारण, किसानों की फसलें अड्वरसेली प्रभावित हो रही हैं।
    (Due to changing weather conditions, the crops of farmers are being adversely affected.)
  • वित्तीय संकट के कारण कई व्यापारी अपने व्यवसायों को अड्वरसेली महसूस कर रहे हैं।
    (Due to financial crisis, several businessmen are feeling adversely impacted in their enterprises.)

Adversely Antonyms in Hindi and English (Table Format)

Hindi English
सकारात्मकता Positivity
लाभ Benefit
सहायता Assistance
फायदा Advantage

Adversely Synonyms in Hindi and English (Table Format)

Hindi English
हानिकारकता Harmfulness
खराबी Deterioration
बिगाड़ Ruin
क्षति Damage

 Adversely Q&A in Hindi and English

1. “अड्वरसेली” का अर्थ क्या है?

 “अड्वरसेली” का अर्थ होता है – नकरात्मक या अनुकूल परिस्थितियों का पर्याय।

2. What is the Synonym of “अड्वरसेली” in English?

 The synonym of “अड्वरसेली” in English is “Adversity.”

3. क्या “अड्वरसेली” का विलोम शब्द है?

 जी हां, “अड्वरसेली” का विलोम शब्द “सकारात्मकता” है।

4. How Does “अड्वरसेली” Impact Personal Growth?

 “अड्वरसेली” challenges often foster resilience and personal development.

5. क्या “अड्वरसेली” के कुछ उदाहरण दें?

 बेरोजगारी, प्राकृतिक आपदाएँ, वित्तीय संकट, ये सभी “अड्वरसेली” के उदाहरण हो सकते हैं।

6. What’s the English Translation of “हानिकारकता”?

 The English translation of “हानिकारकता” is “Harmfulness.”

7. How Can One Overcome “अड्वरसेली” in Their Career?

 By adopting a proactive approach, continuous learning, and adaptability.

8. क्या “अड्वरसेली” का कोई अंग्रेजी शब्द विलोम में है?

 जी हां, “अड्वरसेली” का अंग्रेजी विलोम “Positivity” है।

9. How Does “अड्वरसेली” Affect Decision-making?

 It encourages cautiousness and consideration of potential risks.

10. क्या कोई सकारात्मक पहलु हो सकता है जब हम “अड्वरसेली” से गुजरते हैं?

 जी हां, यह सिखाता है कि हम किस प्रकार से मुश्किलों से निपट सकते हैं और इससे हमें सीख मिलती है।


In conclusion, “अड्वरसेली” represents the challenges and obstacles that life presents us with. This term encapsulates the essence of adversity, encompassing its meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and practical implications. By understanding and confronting adverse circumstances, individuals can navigate through difficulties, foster personal growth, and emerge stronger on the other side. So, let’s embrace the concept of “अड्वरसेली” as an opportunity for learning and development, rather than merely an obstacle to overcome.

It signifies unfavorable conditions that can hinder progress and well-being across various aspects of life. This article has delved into its meanings, applications, synonyms, antonyms, and provided sentence samples to illustrate its usage. By comprehending and addressing adverse situations, individuals can cultivate resilience, make informed decisions, and pave the way for personal growth. So, let’s embrace “अड्वरसेली” as an opportunity for learning, adaptation, and ultimately, triumph.


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