Dwelling Meaning in Hindi

Are you curious about the meaning of the term “दवेल्लिंग” in Hindi? In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of the word, its synonyms, antonyms, and usage in sentences. Let’s explore the multifaceted meaning of “दवेल्लिंग” together.

Write Description for Dwelling Meaning in Hindi

A dwelling is a place where individuals or families reside. It refers to a living space that provides shelter, comfort, and security. In Hindi, the term “दवेल्लिंग” encapsulates the essence of a place where people live and create memories.

Dwelling Meaning in Various Ways

The term “दवेल्लिंग” can be understood in various ways, encompassing the concept of a living space. It goes beyond the physical structure and signifies the emotional attachment and sense of belonging associated with a home. This word beautifully captures the idea of a sanctuary where individuals find solace.

Dwelling Meaning in Hindi in Various Ways

In Hindi, the term “दवेल्लिंग” can be interpreted in multiple ways. It represents a dwelling place, encompassing the idea of a home, house, or residence. It stands as a linguistic embodiment of the place where life unfolds and relationships are nurtured.

Dwelling Meaning in Hindi With Sentence Sample

To illustrate the usage of “दवेल्लिंग” in a sentence, consider the following example: “वह अपनी नई दवेल्लिंग में खुशी खुशी बिता रहा है,” which translates to “He is happily spending time in his new dwelling.” This sentence showcases the term’s application in describing a living space.

Dwelling Antonyms in Hindi and English With Table Format

Hindi English
अस्थायी Temporary
बिना घर Homeless
अनिवासी Nomadic
विचारशील Transient

Dwelling Synonyms in Hindi and English With Table Format

Hindi English
आवास Abode
निवास Residence
गृह House
बसेरा Habitation

 Dwelling Q&A in Hindi and English

1. दवेल्लिंग का अर्थ क्या है?

 दवेल्लिंग का अर्थ है – आवास या निवास स्थान।

2. What Does “दवेल्लिंग” Mean in English?

 “दवेल्लिंग” translates to – dwelling or residence.

3. दवेल्लिंग के समानार्थक क्या हैं?

 दवेल्लिंग के समानार्थक हैं – आवास, निवास, बसेरा।

4. What Are the Antonyms of Dwelling?

 The antonyms of dwelling are – temporary, homeless, nomadic, transient.

5. कौन-से शब्द “दवेल्लिंग” के विलोम हैं?

 “दवेल्लिंग” के विलोम हैं – अस्थायी, बिना घर, अनिवासी, विचारशील.

6. How is a Dwelling Different From a Residence?

 A dwelling is a broader term encompassing the idea of a living space, while residence specifically refers to a place of living.

7. दवेल्लिंग का प्रयोग वाक्य में दिखाएं।

 “उसने नए दवेल्लिंग में खुशी खुशी बिताया,” यह वाक्य दवेल्लिंग का प्रयोग दिखाता है।

8. What Emotions Are Associated With a Dwelling?

 A dwelling is associated with emotions of comfort, security, and a sense of belonging.

9. How Does the Concept of a Dwelling Vary Across Cultures?

 The concept of a dwelling varies based on cultural norms, architectural styles, and historical influences.

10. How Can One Make Their Dwelling More Inviting?

 One can make their dwelling more inviting by adding personalized decor, creating cozy spaces, and maintaining a clean environment.


the term “दवेल्लिंग” holds a profound significance as it encapsulates the idea of a living space that goes beyond its physical structure. It represents a sanctuary of emotions, memories, and connections, making it an essential part of human existence. Whether it’s a humble abode or an extravagant mansion, a dwelling resonates with the essence of “home.”

It symbolizes the heart of human life, a place where memories are created, emotions are shared, and bonds are nurtured. Whether a simple abode or an elaborate residence, a dwelling is where individuals find comfort, security, and a sense of belonging. Through its synonyms, antonyms, and various interpretations, we understand the richness of this word’s meaning. Across cultures and languages, the concept of a dwelling remains universal – a place we all cherish and call home. So, next time you think of “दवेल्लिंग,” remember it’s not just bricks and mortar; it’s a canvas painted with life’s experiences and emotions.

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