Hot Meaning in Hindi

When it comes to the term “हॉट” (hot) in Hindi, it encompasses a variety of interpretations and connotations. This word is used extensively in daily conversations, literature, and different contexts. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the multifaceted meanings of “हॉट” and its various applications.

Write Description for Hot Meaning in Hindi

The term “हॉट” holds diverse meanings, ranging from high temperature to popularity, spiciness, and more. It’s fascinating how a single word can encompass such a wide spectrum of interpretations. Let’s delve deeper into each facet of the word’s meaning.

Hot Meaning in Various Ways

  • Temperature: In the literal sense, “हॉट” often refers to high temperature. Whether it’s the scorching sun during summer or a piping hot cup of tea, this meaning is frequently encountered in daily life.
  • Spiciness: When discussing food, “हॉट” can also denote spiciness. A dish that is “हॉट” would be rich in flavors that provide a fiery sensation to the taste buds.
  • Popularity: In colloquial language, “हॉट” can describe something that is currently trendy or in demand. For instance, a “हॉट” movie refers to a film that is currently popular among audiences.
  • Intensity: When describing emotions or experiences, “हॉट” can signify intensity. It could refer to a passionate romantic relationship or a heated argument.

Hot Meaning in Hindi Various Ways

The Hindi word “हॉट” अपने विभिन्न अर्थों में एक दिलचस्प शब्द है जिसका मतलब तापमान से लेकर प्रसिद्धि, मसालेदारता और बहुत कुछ तक विस्तारित होता है। यह हैरतअंगेज है कि एक शब्द कैसे इतने विभिन्न अर्थों को समाहित कर सकता है। आइए, हम इस शब्द के मतलब के प्रत्येक पहलु को और गहराई से जानते हैं।

Hot Meaning in Hindi With Sentence Samples

  • Temperature: आज दिन का तापमान बहुत हॉट है, जिसके कारण हम सब घर पर रहना पसंद करेंगे। (Today’s temperature is very hot, which is why we all prefer staying indoors.)
  • Spiciness: वह रेड चिली सॉस इतना हॉट है कि उसका स्वाद तो आग से भी ज्यादा तेज है। (That red chili sauce is so hot that its taste is even hotter than fire.)
  • Popularity: नई फिल्म ने पहले ही हफ्ते में बॉक्स ऑफिस पर धमाल मचा दिया और यह बहुत हॉट हो गई है। (The new movie rocked the box office in its very first week and has become very hot.)
  • Intensity: उनकी तीव्रता से हॉट बहस शुरू हो गई, जिसमें वे एक-दूसरे से बिना किसी को सुने बिना बोल रहे थे। (Their intense argument heated up, and they were speaking without listening to each other.)

Hot Antonyms in Hindi and English (Table Format)

Hot in Hindi Hot in English Antonym in Hindi Antonym in English
गरम Warm ठंडा Cold
मसालेदार Spicy नमकीन Mild
प्रसिद्ध Popular अज्ञात Unknown
तीव्र Intense मंद Mild

Hot Synonyms in Hindi and English (Table Format)

Hot in Hindi Hot in English Synonym in Hindi Synonym in English
गरम Warm उत्तेजक Exciting
मसालेदार Spicy तीक्ष्ण Sharp
प्रसिद्ध Popular लोकप्रिय Well-liked
तीव्र Intense उच्च High

 Hot Q&A in Hindi and English

1. हॉट का अर्थ क्या है?

हॉट का मतलब होता है – उच्च तापमान या तेज़ मिजाज।

2. What Does “हॉट” Mean in English?

“हॉट” Translates to – High Temperature or Intense Nature.

3. एक खाने का व्यक्ति “हॉट” क्यों हो सकता है?

 खाने में अधिक मसाले और तीखे पदार्थों का सेवन करने से एक खाने का व्यक्ति “हॉट” हो सकता है।

4. How can a dish become “हॉट” in taste?

 A dish can become “हॉट” in taste by incorporating a generous amount of spices and chili.

5. क्या “हॉट” का विलोमी क्या है?

 “हॉट” का विलोमी शब्द “ठंडा” होता है।

6. What is the Antonym of “हॉट”?

The Antonym of “हॉट” is “Cold.”

7. एक लोकप्रिय फिल्म कैसे बनती है?

एक फिल्म प्रसिद्ध होने के लिए उसकी कहानी, अभिनय और निर्देशन महत्वपूर्ण होते हैं।

8. How Does a Movie Become Popular?

Movie Becomes Popular Based on Its Storyline, Acting, and Direction.

9. तीव्र विवाद क्यों होते हैं?

तीव्र विवाद उच्च भावनाओं और मतभेदों के कारण हो सकते हैं।

10. Why Do Intense Arguments Occur?

Intense Arguments Can Occur Due to Strong Emotions and Differences of Opinion.


In this article, we delved into the various meanings of the Hindi word “हॉट” (hot). From describing temperature and spiciness to signifying popularity and intensity, this versatile word finds its way into numerous conversations and contexts. Understanding these different interpretations enhances our ability to communicate effectively and comprehend the diverse nuances of language. So, next time you encounter the word “हॉट,” you’ll have a richer appreciation for its depth and breadth of meaning.

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