Childhood friend Meaning in Hindi

Have you ever wondered about the meaning of the term “चाइल्डहुड फ्रेंड” in Hindi? In this article, we will delve into the significance of this phrase, exploring its synonyms, antonyms, and its portrayal in various contexts. Join us in uncovering the essence of a “चाइल्डहुड फ्रेंड.”

Write Description for Childhood Friend Meaning in Hindi

A childhood friend is someone who shares a special bond with you from your early years. This individual has witnessed your growth, accompanied you on countless adventures, and holds a unique place in your heart. In Hindi, the term “चाइल्डहुड फ्रेंड” beautifully captures this enduring friendship from your formative years.

Childhood Friend Meaning in Various Ways

The term “childhood friend” signifies a person who has been a companion, confidant, and playmate during your youth. This friendship is often characterized by shared memories, inside jokes, and a deep understanding that stands the test of time. It embodies the innocence and purity of relationships formed in early life.

Childhood Friend Meaning in Hindi in Various Ways

In Hindi, “चाइल्डहुड फ्रेंड” encompasses the essence of a friend who has been by your side since your childhood days. This friend has seen you evolve, supported you through challenges, and celebrated your achievements. The term resonates with the warmth and nostalgia of a friendship that spans decades.

Childhood Friend Meaning in Hindi With Sentence Sample

To illustrate the term “चाइल्डहुड फ्रेंड” in a sentence, consider this example: “मेरे चाइल्डहुड फ्रेंड ने मुझे मेरे पहले स्कूल के दिनों में साथ दिया था,” which translates to “My childhood friend stood by me during my early school days.” This sentence exemplifies the role of a childhood friend in providing support and companionship.

Childhood Friend Antonyms in Hindi and English With Table Format

Hindi English
अजनबी Stranger
दुश्मन Enemy
अलग Separate
अनदृश्य Unseen

Childhood Friend Synonyms in Hindi and English With Table Format

Hindi English
बचपन का दोस्त Childhood pal
साथी Companion
यार Buddy
सहयात्री Co-adventurer

 Childhood Friend Q&A in Hindi and English

1. “चाइल्डहुड फ्रेंड” का अर्थ क्या है?

 “चाइल्डहुड फ्रेंड” का अर्थ है – बचपन का दोस्त जो साथी के रूप में पहले सालों में मिला हो।

2. What is the significance of a childhood friend?

 A childhood friend holds a special place in your heart as they have shared memories and experiences from your formative years.

3. क्या “चाइल्डहुड फ्रेंड” का उपयोग विशेषण के रूप में किया जा सकता है?

 हां, “चाइल्डहुड फ्रेंड” का उपयोग विशेषण के रूप में किया जा सकता है, जैसे कि “मेरा बचपन का दोस्त.”

4. How does a childhood friend differ from other friends?

 A childhood friend shares experiences and memories from early life, forming a unique and enduring bond.

5. “चाइल्डहुड फ्रेंड” के उल्लेखित असामान्य रिश्तों में से कुछ कौन-कौन से हो सकते हैं?

 “चाइल्डहुड फ्रेंड” के उल्लेखित असामान्य रिश्तों में दोस्त, यार, साथी शामिल हो सकते हैं.

6. What role does nostalgia play in a childhood friend relationship?

 Nostalgia strengthens a childhood friend relationship by evoking shared memories and emotions from the past.

7. क्या “चाइल्डहुड फ्रेंड” की समानार्थक क्या हो सकती हैं?

 “चाइल्डहुड फ्रेंड” की समानार्थक हो सकती हैं – बचपन का दोस्त, साथी, यार.

8. How does a childhood friend impact personal growth?

 A childhood friend contributes to personal growth by offering companionship, support, and shared experiences.

9. How do childhood friendships influence adulthood?

 Childhood friendships influence adulthood by shaping interpersonal skills, providing a support network, and contributing to emotional well-being.

10. How can one maintain a childhood friend relationship over the years?

 To maintain a childhood friend relationship, make time for regular communication, cherish shared memories, and be supportive of each other’s journeys.


 a “चाइल्डहुड फ्रेंड” or childhood friend is a treasure from the past who continues to enrich our present and future. This bond, nurtured through shared experiences and unwavering support, is a testament to the enduring power of friendship. The synonyms, antonyms, and examples provided shed light on the depth and significance of this unique relationship. So, as you reminisce about your own “चाइल्डहुड फ्रेंड,” remember the laughter, the tears, and the timeless connection that have shaped your journey.These are the individuals who witnessed our earliest moments, shared our joys and sorrows, and played an integral role in shaping who we have become. As we navigate the complexities of adulthood, the memories and bonds formed with childhood friends remain a constant source of comfort and nostalgia. The synonyms, antonyms, and examples provided have illuminated the multifaceted nature of these relationships. Ultimately, a childhood friend is a precious gem in the mosaic of life, reminding us of the purity and authenticity of friendship. So, let us cherish and honor these connections that have stood the test of time, continuing to enrich our journey with their enduring presence.


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